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The incredible impact of Animation Workshops

Along the years I specialized in running Stop Motion Animation Workshops with young people.
The age range of my animation students span a lot, from 4 year old to 18 year old, depending on the course I'm running.


Stop Motion Animation Workshops are incredibly beneficial to children and young people, as they help them developing their creative skills in 360 degrees. Children learn to work in teams, learn about the definition of a film production pipeline and how it works in terms of splitting the work among the team members. Learn about storytelling, script writing, storyboarding, character designing, learn how to use the various media to create their physical puppets, how to assemble them together from their initial drawing to the final piece, learn how to build sets, and finally learn about how to structure a film, studying camera angles, scenes and shots and how to shoot it, along with learning about the principles of animation and how to apply them to their characters in order to make them move and act to then film the story they mean to tell.


It’s such an all round art form that involves the use of so many creative skills that by the end of each workshop session children have learnt a great deal and have grasped all the fundamentals about film-making, being able to apply them to their own little films using stop motion animation. Which is something they get incredibly excited about and has a very strong impact on their learning path. It’s 100% food for their imagination, creativity and technical development. 


I also run 2D digital animation courses for older kids wanting to learn the more advanced animation principles and techniques.  

Building hinge cut out puppets with the children.

A wonderful hinge cut out puppet freshly finished by one of my talented students!

The final film shooting stage, putting together backgrounds & puppets and capturing photos with webcams, computers and stop motion software.   

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